The story behind this hockey game: Jamie was an x-ray
tech at SLH for a number of years. She and her husband, Ryan, recently moved
north for work. On the 21st July 2013, Jamie gave birth to triplets (twin girls
and a boy) at the Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster. RCH has a level
3 NICU, BC only has 3 (BC Children's, RCH, Victoria General), this is the
highest level of care babies are able to receive in BC. After their birth,
Emerson, Keely and Cody, were in need of a special ventilator to help keep them
alive and breathing adequately. There was only one of these special ventilators
at the RCH NICU, therefore, 2 had to be rented and flown in from UTAH, U.S.A.
Sadly, Emerson lost her twin sister Keely and brother Cody, at 5 weeks old. The
ventilator was a key part to helping them survive those 5 weeks. They were
already fighting against 50/50 odds of survival. Emerson, now 5 ½ months old,
is a happy beautiful little girl at home with her Mom and Dad. We decided to
hold this fundraiser in support of Jamie, Ryan and Emerson, as well as all the
other staff members and their families currently welcoming new ones into the
world. Donations collected through this fundraiser will be sent in memory of
Keely and Cody to purchase another Jet Ventilator for the RCH NICU. Not only
was this hockey game created to be a fundraising opportunity, but it was
created to bring together the Emergency Services (RCMP/BCAS/Hospital staff)
that work together 365 days a year, without often having time to socialize.
Thank you for coming and supporting this fun (non)competitive event!
Cookies I made for this event. |
May your cookies never crumble!!